Sea Kayaking 213, Tidal Rapids Kayak Training in Deception Pass
Playing in tidal rapids is one of the few ways sea kayakers have to practice their bracing and other rough water boat handling skills in a setting where the degree of challenge can be controlled (start when the current is weak, quit when it gets too strong). This training course will put you on the fast track to being able to handle all types of rough water situations more safely. You'll be amazed at how much your skills and confidence will improve in just one day. Most students who've completed our overnight Training Trip or Five Day Training Camp are ready for this course.
In addition to practicing the techniques for dealing with eddy lines, boils, and whirlpools, this course covers ways to read moving water, evaluate and avoid hazards, a review of bracing strokes, ferrying, and much more.
Classes are limited to four students, so sign up early to avoid disappointment.

Registration and Confirmation:
Determine the date that fits your schedule. Read prerequisites, liability, and cancellation policy. Then place your reservation by filling in required information on this page, adding the lesson to your cart, and check out. Your spot is confirmed once you pay.
Location: Deception Pass (meet in the parking lot on the south side of the bridge)
Duration: 1 day
Class Size: 4
Tuition: $425.00 (includes free use of drysuit, booties, and helmet)
Kayak Rental: $50.00 total plus tax, delivered to the lesson. Includes kayak, spray-skirt, PFD, bilge pump, paddle float, and paddle.
Parking: A Washington State Discover Pass ($30/yr.) or $10 Day Use Fee is required per car. Passes may be purchased online at: Buy Discover Pass On-line
Please read our Cancellation/Reschedule Policy
Liability Form:
Please click here to go to and fill out our online “Student Record and Liability Release Form”.
How to sign up for classes/rentals:
Fist select the rental option and, if applicable, the lesson location. Then select the date of the lesson/rental you wish to take.
If you have moved onto the second sign-up page and are having trouble seeing all the required fields, try placing your mouse pointer over the "Additional Information" field and using the scroll wheel on your mouse. Otherwise, you can click on a visible field and hit the "tab" button on your keyboard to go to the next required field.
Lessons closed for the season
See you next year!