Greenland Week Competition Rope Gymnastics Moves


Ropes Gymnastics Moves (complete list of Greenland Competition Ropes)

For Greenland Week Competition – only low ropes moves will be used ( high ropes moves for reference only)

  1. Straddling on the cord.
  2. With cord under one arm and one knee.
  3. Turning with body bent over the cord at waist level.
  4. Laying atop the cord, with it behind the back.
  5. Cord behind the back held with both hands.
  6. Holding cord with both hands backwards.
  7. Backwards with one hand behind the neck and other hand at chest-level.
  8. The cord on the instep, other leg spread sideways.
  9. Cord on instep, legs on the 'cord.
  10. Cord on one instep, the other leg spread sideways.
  11. Cord on one instep, legs on cord.
  12. With heels on the cord.
  13. "Rolling" (like rolling a kayak) on both cords.
  14. Rolling and pulling.
  15. Rolling, holding only one cord.
  16. Capsize, pick up object on ground and then roll-up.
  17. "Rolling" with extra weight (backpack containing 10 kg).
  18. "Rolling" 5 times to the wanted side.
  19. Turning lying on the cord.
  20. Turning while keeping the body out of the cords.
  21. Turning from stopped sitting position with arms spread out.
  22. Turning in swinging position with arms spread sideways.
  23. Sitting lengthwise to the cord with spread arms sideways.
  24. Turning in sitting position with arms crossed on breast.
  25. Turning standing on the cord holding the cord with both hands.
  26. Hanging on chin holding with one hand counting/5 sec = 1 point.
  27. Hanging with one arm/hand counting 2 sec = 1 point.
  28. Sitting on cord with one leg bent and the other extended.
  29. Holding cord with both hands placed opposite to each other.
  30. Holding cord with both hands touching each other.
  31. Holding cord with both hands spread backwards.
  32. Holding with both hands touching/beside each other backwards.
  33. Holding with hands spread forwards.
  34. Holding with hands touching each other forwards.
  35. Pulling with crossed thumbs and spread hands forwards.
  36. Pulling with crossed thumbs and hands gathered.
  37. Crossed hands, one forwards the other backwards.
  38. Crossed hands and the cord at throat-level.
  39. Biting the cord, holding with both hands forwards.
  40. Biting cord, holding with both hands, one behind and the other forwards.
  41. With a short loop-grip, 12 cm and spread hands.
  42. With a short loop-grip and hands gathered.
  43. With a medium loop-grip, 22 cm and spread hands.
  44. With a medium loop-grip, 22 cm and hands gathered.
  45. With a long loop-grip, 40 cm and spread hands.
  46. With a long loop-grip, 40 cm and hands gathered.
  47. With 2 short loop-grips, 12 cm and spread hands.
  48. With 2 short loop-grips, 12 cm and hands gathered.
  49. With 2 medium loop-grips, 22 cc and hands spread.
  50. With 2 medium loop-grips, 22 cm and hands gathered.
  51. With 2 long loop-grips, 40 cm and hands spread.
  52. With 2 long loop-grips, 40 cm and hands gathered.
  53. Holding with thumbs, one forwards and one backwards.
  54. Holding with middle-fingers one forwards other backwards.
  55. Holding with ring-fingers, one forwards one backwards.
  56. Holding with forefingers, one backwards one forwards.
  57. Holding with one hand in the cord, the other hand holding the wrist.
  58. Holding the cord with twisted arms with spread hands.
  59. Holding cord with twisted arms with gathered hands.
  60. Body stretched lengthwise to cord holding with hands spread.
  61. Body stretched lengthwise to cord holding with hands gathered.
  62. Body stretched lengthwise to cord with both legs up.
  63. Two cords gathered.
  64. Lifting one leg and placing it on the hand holding the cord.
  65. Getting over a 10 cm hindrance.
  66. Getting over a 20 cm hindrance.
  67. Holding with hands spread, backwards, without touching.
  68. Holding with hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
  69. Holding, hands spread, backwards, without touching.
  70. Holding, hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
  71. Holding, hands spread, backwards, without touching.
  72. Holding, hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
  73. Pulling, crossed thumbs, hands spread, without touching.
  74. Pulling, crossed thumbs, hands gathered, without touching.

Strikethrough above shows moves not included in this competition (strikethrough not shown below for reading clarity)
The same list in Greenlandic appears below.

  1. Akulaammillugu.
  2. Oqaatsuasaarneq.
  3. Peqqullugu.
  4. Tunuussineq, niaqoq qulaallugu, makisiullu nalaatigut tigullugu.
  5. Tunuussineq, niaqoq qulaallugu, illuttut tigullugu.
  6. Palluussineq, tallit illuttut niaqoq qulaallugu.
  7. Palluussineq, aapaanik niaqoq qulaallugu aapaa sakissap nalaanut.
  8. Singernennillugu, nissup aappaa avammut siaarlugu.
  9. Singernennillugu, nissut tutsillugit.
  10. Singernennillugu illuinnarmik, nissup aappaa avammut.
  11. Singernennillugu illuinnarmik, nissut tutsillugit.
  12. Kimmimminneq.
  13. Qajaasaarneq, allunaat tamaasa tigullugit.
  14. Qajaasaarneq, pakassummillugu.
  15. Qajaasaarneq, illuinnarmik allunaap aappaannaa tigullugu.
  16. Qajaasaarneq, tigusilluni makinneq.
  17. Qajaasaarneq, usiaagalerluni makinneq (oqimaalutaq 10 kg.)(iluarisamut).
  18. Qajaasaarneq, tallimariarlugu qipineq uterlugulu (iluarisamut).
  19. N ammaassaariarneq, tunngall urn.
  20. Nammaassaariarneq, qangatalluni.
  21. Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit ulinneq, uninngalluni.
  22. Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit ulinneq, issakatsiaarluni.
  23. Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit tukimut ingilluni.
  24. Ingilluni, tallit paarlatsillugit ulinneq.
  25. Qupaloraarsuusaarneq, allunaat tutillugit tigullugillu uleriarneq.
  26. Kisitsineq, illuinnannik tigullugu tallormillugu, sekuntilersorlugu, 5 sek.=l point.
  27. Kisitsineq, illuinnannik tigullugu, sekuntilersorlugu, 2 sek.= 1 point.
  28. Qivittuusaarneq, nissup aappaa peqillugu ingiffigalugu aappaa siaarlugu.
  29. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, aappaa pallortillugu aappaa nerfallartillugu.
  30. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat tutsillugit, aapp. pallort., aapp. nerfallarti1lugu.
  31. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit pallortillugit.
  32. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit pallortillugit.
  33. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit nerfallartillugit,
  34. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit nerfallartillugit.
  35. Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit (assaat nerfallartillugit) avissaartillugit.
  36. Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit assaat katillugit.
  37. Paarlatsillugit, assaat X-llugit, aappaa nerf. aappaa pallortillugu.
  38. Paarlatsillugu, assaat X-llugit, qungaseq allunaamut tutsillugu.
  39. Kiillugu, tiguinnarlugu, nerfallartillugit.
  40. Kiillugu, tiguinnarlugu, nerfallartillugu, pallortillugu.
  41. Tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat avissaartillugit, 12 Ctn.
  42. Tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat katillugit, 12 Ctn.
  43. Tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat avissaartillugit, 22 Ctn.
  44. Tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
  45. Tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat avissaartillugit, 40 cm.
  46. Tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat katillugit, 40 Ctn.
  47. Illuttut tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat avissaartillugit, 12 Ctn.
  48. Illuttut tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat katillugit, 12 Ctn.
  49. Illuttut tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat avissaartillugit, 22 Ctn.
  50. Illuttut tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
  51. Illuttut tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat avissaartillugit, 40 cm.
  52. Illuttut tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
  53. Tikermik tigullugu, aapp. nerf., aapp. pallortillugu.
  54. Qiterlermik tigullugu, aapp. nerf., aapp. pall..
  55. Mikileqqamik tigullugu, ...
  56. Eqeqqumik tigullugu, ...
  57. Paffik tigullugu, assak nerfallart. tallip aappaa al1unaamut qaqillugu all.tigum.paffia
  58. Taleq qipillugu, assaat avissaartillugit.
  59. Taleq qipillugu, assaat katillugit.
  60. Nallormillugu, assaat avissaartillugit.
  61. N allormillugu, assaat katillugit.
  62. Nallormillugu, nissut illuttut.
  63. A1lunaat marluk katinngasut.
  64. Kaallugu.
  65. Nappakkap qulaannera, 10 Ctn.
  66. Nappakkap qulaannera, 20 cm.
  67. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, pall., nerf., attomagu.
  68. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, pall., nerf., attomagu.
  69. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, pallortillugit, attomagu.
  70. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, pallortillugit, attomagu.
  71. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, nerfallartillugit, attomagu.
  72. Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, nerfallartillugit, attomagu.
  73. Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit, assaat avissaartillugit, attomagu.
  74. Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit, assaat katillugit, attomagu.

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