Greenland Week Competition Rope Gymnastics Moves
Ropes Gymnastics Moves (complete list of Greenland Competition Ropes)
For Greenland Week Competition – only low ropes moves will be used ( high ropes moves for reference only)
- Straddling on the cord.
- With cord under one arm and one knee.
- Turning with body bent over the cord at waist level.
- Laying atop the cord, with it behind the back.
- Cord behind the back held with both hands.
- Holding cord with both hands backwards.
- Backwards with one hand behind the neck and other hand at chest-level.
- The cord on the instep, other leg spread sideways.
- Cord on instep, legs on the 'cord.
- Cord on one instep, the other leg spread sideways.
- Cord on one instep, legs on cord.
- With heels on the cord.
- "Rolling" (like rolling a kayak) on both cords.
- Rolling and pulling.
- Rolling, holding only one cord.
- Capsize, pick up object on ground and then roll-up.
- "Rolling" with extra weight (backpack containing 10 kg).
- "Rolling" 5 times to the wanted side.
- Turning lying on the cord.
- Turning while keeping the body out of the cords.
- Turning from stopped sitting position with arms spread out.
- Turning in swinging position with arms spread sideways.
- Sitting lengthwise to the cord with spread arms sideways.
- Turning in sitting position with arms crossed on breast.
- Turning standing on the cord holding the cord with both hands.
- Hanging on chin holding with one hand counting/5 sec = 1 point.
- Hanging with one arm/hand counting 2 sec = 1 point.
- Sitting on cord with one leg bent and the other extended.
- Holding cord with both hands placed opposite to each other.
- Holding cord with both hands touching each other.
- Holding cord with both hands spread backwards.
- Holding with both hands touching/beside each other backwards.
- Holding with hands spread forwards.
- Holding with hands touching each other forwards.
- Pulling with crossed thumbs and spread hands forwards.
- Pulling with crossed thumbs and hands gathered.
- Crossed hands, one forwards the other backwards.
- Crossed hands and the cord at throat-level.
- Biting the cord, holding with both hands forwards.
- Biting cord, holding with both hands, one behind and the other forwards.
- With a short loop-grip, 12 cm and spread hands.
- With a short loop-grip and hands gathered.
- With a medium loop-grip, 22 cm and spread hands.
- With a medium loop-grip, 22 cm and hands gathered.
- With a long loop-grip, 40 cm and spread hands.
- With a long loop-grip, 40 cm and hands gathered.
- With 2 short loop-grips, 12 cm and spread hands.
- With 2 short loop-grips, 12 cm and hands gathered.
- With 2 medium loop-grips, 22 cc and hands spread.
- With 2 medium loop-grips, 22 cm and hands gathered.
- With 2 long loop-grips, 40 cm and hands spread.
- With 2 long loop-grips, 40 cm and hands gathered.
- Holding with thumbs, one forwards and one backwards.
- Holding with middle-fingers one forwards other backwards.
- Holding with ring-fingers, one forwards one backwards.
- Holding with forefingers, one backwards one forwards.
- Holding with one hand in the cord, the other hand holding the wrist.
- Holding the cord with twisted arms with spread hands.
- Holding cord with twisted arms with gathered hands.
- Body stretched lengthwise to cord holding with hands spread.
- Body stretched lengthwise to cord holding with hands gathered.
- Body stretched lengthwise to cord with both legs up.
- Two cords gathered.
- Lifting one leg and placing it on the hand holding the cord.
- Getting over a 10 cm hindrance.
- Getting over a 20 cm hindrance.
- Holding with hands spread, backwards, without touching.
- Holding with hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
- Holding, hands spread, backwards, without touching.
- Holding, hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
- Holding, hands spread, backwards, without touching.
- Holding, hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
- Pulling, crossed thumbs, hands spread, without touching.
- Pulling, crossed thumbs, hands gathered, without touching.
Strikethrough above shows moves not included in this competition (strikethrough not shown below for reading clarity)
The same list in Greenlandic appears below.
- Akulaammillugu.
- Oqaatsuasaarneq.
- Peqqullugu.
- Tunuussineq, niaqoq qulaallugu, makisiullu nalaatigut tigullugu.
- Tunuussineq, niaqoq qulaallugu, illuttut tigullugu.
- Palluussineq, tallit illuttut niaqoq qulaallugu.
- Palluussineq, aapaanik niaqoq qulaallugu aapaa sakissap nalaanut.
- Singernennillugu, nissup aappaa avammut siaarlugu.
- Singernennillugu, nissut tutsillugit.
- Singernennillugu illuinnarmik, nissup aappaa avammut.
- Singernennillugu illuinnarmik, nissut tutsillugit.
- Kimmimminneq.
- Qajaasaarneq, allunaat tamaasa tigullugit.
- Qajaasaarneq, pakassummillugu.
- Qajaasaarneq, illuinnarmik allunaap aappaannaa tigullugu.
- Qajaasaarneq, tigusilluni makinneq.
- Qajaasaarneq, usiaagalerluni makinneq (oqimaalutaq 10 kg.)(iluarisamut).
- Qajaasaarneq, tallimariarlugu qipineq uterlugulu (iluarisamut).
- N ammaassaariarneq, tunngall urn.
- Nammaassaariarneq, qangatalluni.
- Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit ulinneq, uninngalluni.
- Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit ulinneq, issakatsiaarluni.
- Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit tukimut ingilluni.
- Ingilluni, tallit paarlatsillugit ulinneq.
- Qupaloraarsuusaarneq, allunaat tutillugit tigullugillu uleriarneq.
- Kisitsineq, illuinnannik tigullugu tallormillugu, sekuntilersorlugu, 5 sek.=l point.
- Kisitsineq, illuinnannik tigullugu, sekuntilersorlugu, 2 sek.= 1 point.
- Qivittuusaarneq, nissup aappaa peqillugu ingiffigalugu aappaa siaarlugu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, aappaa pallortillugu aappaa nerfallartillugu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat tutsillugit, aapp. pallort., aapp. nerfallarti1lugu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit pallortillugit.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit pallortillugit.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit nerfallartillugit,
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit nerfallartillugit.
- Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit (assaat nerfallartillugit) avissaartillugit.
- Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit assaat katillugit.
- Paarlatsillugit, assaat X-llugit, aappaa nerf. aappaa pallortillugu.
- Paarlatsillugu, assaat X-llugit, qungaseq allunaamut tutsillugu.
- Kiillugu, tiguinnarlugu, nerfallartillugit.
- Kiillugu, tiguinnarlugu, nerfallartillugu, pallortillugu.
- Tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat avissaartillugit, 12 Ctn.
- Tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat katillugit, 12 Ctn.
- Tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat avissaartillugit, 22 Ctn.
- Tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
- Tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat avissaartillugit, 40 cm.
- Tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat katillugit, 40 Ctn.
- Illuttut tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat avissaartillugit, 12 Ctn.
- Illuttut tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat katillugit, 12 Ctn.
- Illuttut tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat avissaartillugit, 22 Ctn.
- Illuttut tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
- Illuttut tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat avissaartillugit, 40 cm.
- Illuttut tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
- Tikermik tigullugu, aapp. nerf., aapp. pallortillugu.
- Qiterlermik tigullugu, aapp. nerf., aapp. pall..
- Mikileqqamik tigullugu, ...
- Eqeqqumik tigullugu, ...
- Paffik tigullugu, assak nerfallart. tallip aappaa al1unaamut qaqillugu all.tigum.paffia
tigull. - Taleq qipillugu, assaat avissaartillugit.
- Taleq qipillugu, assaat katillugit.
- Nallormillugu, assaat avissaartillugit.
- N allormillugu, assaat katillugit.
- Nallormillugu, nissut illuttut.
- A1lunaat marluk katinngasut.
- Kaallugu.
- Nappakkap qulaannera, 10 Ctn.
- Nappakkap qulaannera, 20 cm.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, pall., nerf., attomagu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, pall., nerf., attomagu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, pallortillugit, attomagu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, pallortillugit, attomagu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, nerfallartillugit, attomagu.
- Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, nerfallartillugit, attomagu.
- Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit, assaat avissaartillugit, attomagu.
- Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit, assaat katillugit, attomagu.
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